Sunday, November 22, 2009

Being yourself, is that an option?

Are we allowed to live for ourselves? I mean only for ourselves. No matter what you do or what you don't do, it all affects someone else more than if affects you. Basically, the bottom line is that we are forced to make decisions with not just our own self in mind but many other beings. We don't have a life neither do they. They live for us and we for them. When will a possibility arise when we are allowed to live for only "ME" or "YOU"...??

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New and old relations, does it matter?

Relations are a big deal nowadays and, well, the lesser the people know you, the more economical it is. At least that's my point of view. They have become more like lessons for me. I'm not talking just about the romantic relationship, in other words, sexual relationship. In fact, i'm talking about any relationship. It has become so hard to even trust people these days and that has taken a toll on me. Good old days have gone a long time and seems like it aint gonna come back. People who you think are friends just use you as steps of a ladder to a higher position, they totally use you or they totally manipulate you. I call them "FAKE-BEINGS".What is left in this world? Anyone worth saving? Well I don't want any of you looking at me like I have really gone through a terrible patch in life, it's just that I am one among those "FAKE-BEINGS" and probably, the biggest one in the world.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Why is celebrity status a big deal?

Why is, being a celebrity, a big deal? Isn't it another job which a normal human being does. Its a job called "ACTING". Yes, they get paid big and I suppose they have genuine reasons and then again no one really comes on screen for free or cheap. I meant "come"...the white liquid from guys and the sticky one from the gals. Nowadays all that matters for directors are that the females should be hot enough so the audience would pay to watch the show. Well I doubt that they pay to watch the movie, they just sit and wack off their penises regardless of the story of the movie.
Well these actors keep doing their jobs and they get paid a lot for showing their tits or their dicks.

Now I begin wondering as of why toilet cleaners and labourers dont get paid the same, they keep coming across all kinds of crap, i mean human crap or something else's crap.Can any1 give me a heads up on this stupidity.

Friday, October 30, 2009

2012, The End of the World

Some people hope for the world to end in 2012 and some hope otherwise. Well, I do hope that it ends in 2012. Basically because I don't have to live forever to see my bones grow weak enough and be a burden to my kids(if i have any). I don't have to keep hearing all those blames in case I don't prosper in life and with the wave I am in, that seems the most obvious ending. Remember that I am a pessimist. I want someone who can cure my extreme pessimism, someone who can prove my worth, I can't anyway. I keep asking myself if I'm a lost soul or was I made in a hurry by my maker. My life sucks and nothing has ever gone my way so may we see the end in Dec 21st, 2012.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Legalise Marijuana

I am not an avid user of marijuana. Now that homosexuality has been made legal in India which has been a punishable offense ever since it came into existence, we need to start to make a move for legalising marijuana too. Well if marijuana has to be banned, cigarettes don't fall any farther infact they have to be banned more than marijuana. Tobacco smoke gives 77% more harm to that of smoking marijuana. Now can anyone give me a really good reason to why marijuana should be banned rather than cigarrettes?

Education is fucking me

We all have to study more than what they had to.  Who are "they"? Your parents and mine and everyone else's and they keep talking about the hardwork that they go through, back in their days. No matter what we do, all we are required to do is get the best possible results. Someone else bettering you should never be the case. I can't do it. "Failure is the first step to sucess", I doubt it. From what i have seen so far, failure is the first step to your doom. A noticeable fact is the that I'm the best example of a hard-core pessimist. Well maybe my luck sucks but once I fail at something, its like you are done for life. Perhaps I never tried to get up from it or lets jus say that I never bothered. Criticism is all that you receive no matter what. Did I totally lose it?

Connservative Indian Parents

When was the last time that your parents actually appreciated you because you did a good job. Nothing ever matters to these typical Indian parents as long as the task you have done cannot be bettered by the neighbour's kid. Ofcourse they also have the "NEVER-TALK- TO-THE-OPPOSITE-SEX" brain-storming session ever since boys realise that they have their penises up-right at the sight of any sexy girl or, lets say, chick.